

Course Description

This UI/UX Design course provides an in-depth exploration of the principles and practices of user interface and user experience design. You will learn how to create engaging, intuitive, and user-friendly designs by mastering design tools and methodologies. The course covers everything from user research and wireframing to prototyping and usability testing, equipping you with the skills needed to design effective digital products.

What you'll learn in this course?

In this course, you will gain a comprehensive understanding of UI/UX design processes and techniques. You will learn how to design aesthetically pleasing and functional interfaces, conduct user research to inform design decisions, and create prototypes that effectively communicate your design ideas. By the end of the course, you'll be equipped to tackle real-world design challenges and create compelling user experiences.

  • Understand the principles of user-centered design and usability

  • Master tools for design and prototyping such as Adobe XD, Sketch, and Figma

  • Conduct user research and usability testing to inform design decisions

  • Create wireframes, mockups, and interactive prototypes

This course will prepare you to design effective and engaging user experiences by blending theoretical knowledge with practical application. Through a series of hands-on projects, you'll develop a portfolio showcasing your ability to create user-centric designs.

Course Curriculum

Learn how to design engaging and user-friendly digital experiences by understanding user needs, creating effective prototypes, and applying the latest design tools and methodologies.

  • User-Centered Design Principles
  • UX vs. UI: Understanding the Difference
  • Understanding User Needs and Requirements
  • Competitor and Market Segment Analysis
  • Developing User Profiles and Identifying Critical Success Factors
  • Group Analysis: Defining User Groups and Usability Criteria
  • User Research Methods and Usability Evaluation Techniques
  • Deep Dive into Focus Groups and Creating Empathy Maps

  • Information Architecture Fundamentals
  • Card Sorting Techniques for Website Organization
  • Building Sitemaps and User Flows
  • Creating Personas and Scenarios for User Understanding

  • Introduction to Visual Design and Design Principles
  • Color Theory and Creating Color Palettes
  • Typography Fundamentals for Web Design
  • Grids & Spacing: Creating Balanced Layouts
  • Layout Design Principles and Techniques
  • Sketching for UX Design: Ideation and Communication
  • Moodboards: Introduction and Creation

  • Working with Shapes and Filters in Photoshop and Illustrator
  • Understanding Layers in Photoshop
  • Text, Colors & Images in Photoshop
  • Retouching and Shadows in Photoshop

  • Introduction to Wireframing: Purpose and Benefits
  • Wireframing with Figma
  • Wireframing with Adobe XD
  • Designing Micro-Interactions for Enhanced User Experience

  • Designing User Interfaces with Figma
  • UI Design Principles and Best Practices
  • Native vs. Hybrid Applications: Understanding the Differences
  • Exploring Figma Features for UI Design
  • Figma UI Design Project: Practical Application

  • Prototyping Basics: Creating Interactive Mockups
  • Adding Animations to Enhance User Experience

  • Introduction to HTML and VS Code Setup
  • HTML Project Structure and Developer Tools
  • Essential HTML Tags and SEO Fundamentals
  • Working with Text Formatting Tags (h1-h6, p, span, etc.)
  • Creating Forms and Utilizing Input Elements
  • Structuring Data with Tables and Embedding Multimedia
  • Introduction to CSS and Selector Fundamentals
  • CSS Selector Specificity, Inheritance, and the !important Declaration
  • Styling with Pseudo-classes, Colors, Borders, and Units
  • Advanced Techniques: calc(), Importing Stylesheets, and Background Properties
  • Efficient Styling with CSS Variables
  • Mastering Fonts, Text Styling, and the Box Model
  • Typography Best Practices for Web Design
  • Controlling Element Layout with the Display Property
  • Positioning Elements and Implementing Flexible Layouts with Flexbox
  • Responsive Web Design with CSS Media Queries
  • Creating Animations Using CSS @Keyframes
  • Practical HTML and CSS Project Development

  • Introduction to Git: Setup, Initialization, Adding & Committing Changes
  • Branching, Tagging, Merging, and Resolving Conflicts in Git
  • Collaborative Development with GitHub: Forking and Pull Requests

  • Project Planning and Data Collection
  • User Research and Analysis
  • Information Architecture and Wireframing
  • Visual Design and Prototyping
  • Usability Testing and Iteration
  • Project Documentation and Presentation


12 Ratings
Jura Hujaor 2 Days ago

The best LMS Design System

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Course includes:
  • img Level Expert
  • img Duration 3 Months
  • img Certifications Yes

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